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CIMCO Catalog_2017_18

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 302 302 Advice and ordering: Phone: +49 (0)2191 3718-01, Fax: +49 (0)2191 3718-85, E-mail: Technical appendix HSS bi-metal hole saw ø VA Cast Brass mm Steel steel 14 550 300 400 790 900 16 530 275 365 730 825 17 500 250 330 665 750 19 460 230 300 600 690 21 425 210 280 560 630 22 390 195 260 520 585 24 370 185 245 495 555 25 350 175 235 470 525 27 325 160 215 435 480 29 300 150 200 400 450 30 285 145 190 380 425 32 275 140 180 360 410 33 260 135 175 345 390 35 250 125 165 330 375 37 240 120 160 315 360 38 230 115 150 300 345 40 220 110 145 290 330 41 210 105 140 280 315 43 205 100 135 270 305 44 195   95 130 260 295 46 190   95 125 250 285 48 180   90 120 240 270 51 170   85 115 230 255 52 165   80 110 220 245 54 160   80 105 210 240 57 150   75 100 200 230 59 145   75 100 195 225 HSS bi-metal hole saw ø VA Cast Brass mm steel steel   60 140 70 95 190 220   64 135 70 90 180 205   65 130 65 85 175 200   67 130 65 85 170 195   70 125 60 80 160 185   73 120 60 80 160 180  76 115 55 75 150 170  79 119 55 70 145 165   83 105 50 70 140 155   86 100 50 65 130 150  89  95 45 65 125 145  92  95 45 60 120 140  95  90 45 60 120 135  98  90 45 60 115 130 102   85 40 55 115 125 105   85 40 55 110 120 108   80 40 55 110 115 111   80 40 50 100 110 114   75 35 50 100 105 121  70 35 45  90  95 127  65 30 40  85  90 140  60 30 35  80  85 146  55 25 35  75  80 152  55 25 35  75  80 Measuring categories CAT I to CAT IV The IEC/EN 61010-1 standard subdivides electric circuits into measuring categories CAT I to CAT IV so that measuring devices can be designed for the widely varying installation and application purposes. The measuring categories indicate in which application areas a measuring device can be safely used. The protection of a measuring device from a transient (=short-term, temporary) overvoltage is determined by the specification of the measurement category (overvoltage category) and the working voltage (nominal current to ground) e.g. CAT IV 600 V, CAT III 1,000 V. The IEC/EN 61010-1 standard subdivides measuring electric circuits into the following measuring categories: - CAT I: for measurements on electric circuits that are not directly connected to the mains. - CAT II: for measurements on electric circuits that are directly connected to the mains. - CAT III: for measurements in building installations. - CAT IV: for measurements at the source of the low-voltage installation. Measuring Categories CAT I to CAT IV Valid for measurements on electric circuits that are not directly connected to the mains (e.g. specially protected devices) Valid for measurements on electric circuits that are directly electrically connected to the low- voltage mains (e.g. household appliances) Valid for measurements in building installations Valid for measurements at the source of the low-voltage installation (e.g. counter, main connection, primary overcurrent protectors) Distributor Counter Underground cable Outbuilding Substation - The specification of the measurement category and the maximum nominal voltage determine the protection of the measuring device vis-à-vis transient (temporary) overvoltage. - Transient overvoltages can occur due to a lightening strike in the distribution network or due to the switching on/off of large loads. - The following basic principle applies: the higher the measurement category and the higher the nominal voltage, the higher the protection of the measuring device vis-à-vis transient overvoltage. - Protection against transient (temporary) overvoltage to 8 kV Data sheet for LED lamps Designation Article no. Output Luminous flux Protection class Light angle Operation Operating time Luminous colour LED torches 500.01-4500F 11 1534 1.2 W 180 Lm IP 64 15 - 75° 3 x AAA   10 hrs 4.500 K LED head lamp 500.03 11 1536 1 W 100 Lm IP 64 6° 2 Xx AA   10 hrs 4.500 K LED inspection lamps 600.08G 11 1540 0.15 W    5 Lm IP 67 15° 2 x LR06 150 hrs 5.500 K LED workshop lamps 700.01-4500G 11 1562 6 W 650 Lm IP 64 25 - 100° 230 V/24 V 4.500 K Soft steel Soft steel Alumi- nium Alumi- nium 302 Advice and ordering: Phone: +49 (0)21913718-01, Fax: +49 (0)21913718-85, E-mail: 14550300400790900 16530275365730825 17500250330665750 19460230300600690 21425210280560630 22390195260520585 24370185245495555 25350175235470525 27325160215435480 29300150200400450 30285145190380425 32275140180360410 33260135175345390 35250125165330375 37240120160315360 38230115150300345 40220110145290330 41210105140280315 43205100135270305 44195   95130260295 46190   95125250285 48180   90120240270 51170   85115230255 52165   80110220245 54160   80105210240 57150   75100200230 59145   75100195225 1407095190220 1357090180205 6585175 6585170 1256080160185 1206080160180  761155575150170  791195570145165 1055070140155 1005065130150  89  954565125145  92  954560120140  95  904560120135  98  904560115130 4055115 4055110 4055110 4050100 3550100 121  703545  90  95 127  653040  85  90 140  603035  80  85 146  552535  75  80 152  552535  75  80 LED torches 500.01-4500F 1115341.2 W 180 Lm IP 6415 - 75° 3 x AAA   10 hrs 4.500 K LED head lamp 500.031115361 W 100 Lm IP 646° 2 Xx AA   10 hrs 4.500 K LED inspection lamps 600.08G 1115400.15 W    5 Lm IP 6715° 2 x LR06 150 hrs 5.500 K LED workshop lamps 700.01-4500G 1115626 W 650 Lm IP 6425 - 100° 230 V/24 V 4.500 K
